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Thankful Thursday...Faith, Family and Friends; Always the most important

      From a young age I have always been taught that "things will get better".  My sweet mother is an eternal optimist, she always has taught to hope and work for brighter days ahead.      Faith, Family and Friends have always been the foundation in my life along with hard work.  My parents instilled the value of hard work in us from a very early age.  My parents learned that from their own parents, so a legacy of hard work continues.  The old picture of the little boy is actually my grandfather, who I lived with for several years before he passed away.  Spending time with him for his final few years has been one of the greatest blessings in my life, I reflect back on that time it seems daily.     Over cookies, chocolates or pie (grandpa loved his sweets), he would talk to me about his life, and the things that really mattered.  He taught me about family history, where I came from and what various family members overcame.  He talked about his joy in being a husband, a father

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